They think it is almost embarrassing to talk about the basics of recovery. They are embarrassed to mention that they still have occasional cravings or that they are no longer sure if they had an addiction. Try to find a job, volunteer for community service or start a new hobby. Avoiding boredom during recovery is very important, and if you find that you have significant amounts of free time, you should try to find something to occupy that time.

A long term recovery plan, working a program and the rewards of a healthy life help combat nagging symptoms like depression, boredom and toxic feelings. By knowing the typical addiction triggers that can spur you to use drugs and alcohol again, you can prevent relapse from ever happening. Keep in mind that you don’t need to beat yourself up for giving in these triggers. Recovery can be extremely difficult, but knowing what your triggers are in advance can help you stay drug-free in the long run. Although no two substance abusers are exactly alike, there are some common relapse triggers that you should be aware of during the early stages of sobriety.

Get started on the road to recovery

Keep the list handy for moments when you may be tempted to use to remind yourself why you have worked so hard to get clean and sober. Commitment to an outpatient program for types of relapse triggers the first 3-6 months post-discharge. This will allow for continuity of treatment elements, such as counseling, biofeedback, yoga, and general support for the newly sober.

What are 3 things that cause relapse?

Causes of relapse

Circumstances that act as a trigger for substance use as a coping strategy – for example, insecure housing, professional or personal setbacks, social pressures or social stigma. Pre-existing mental health or emotional issues. Pre-existing physical health issues.

Avoiding triggers is only one part of the puzzle when it comes to addiction and recovery. As we’ve mentioned a few times, it’s important to learn healthy coping mechanisms to help you handle yourself if you happen to encounter one of your triggers while you’re out in the world. Avoiding all of your triggers isn’t always an option, but running into one when you’re going about your daily business doesn’t necessarily have to trigger a relapse.

Emotional Triggers That Can Lead to Addiction Relapse

However, don’t panic if the warning signs above sound all too familiar. Even if your loved one is already in the throes of relapse, there is still hope for recovery—both in the short and long term. Returning to the same dysfunctional or isolated living situation will reactivate the addiction memory, the behaviors that led to substance use in the living environment, and/or the people in it.

  • Any environment that causes certain memories to resurface could lead you to crave drugs and alcohol again.
  • Tell yourself that you need to stay humble and know that you could lose control even if you have just a small drink.
  • External triggers are certain activities, locations, people, objects, images, situations, and events that can make you want to use drugs or drink alcohol.

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